Cacti Template Cpu Load
Memoire Online Etude et mise en uvre dun serveur de supervision rseau. Mmoire de fin de Formation. ETUDE ET MISE EN OEUVRE DUNSERVEUR DE SUPERVISION RESEAUEffectue Du 0. Juillet au 0. 2 Octobre. Rdig et Soutenu par GHARINGAM NDANE. Awawou Viviane,En vue de lobtention du Diplme dIngnieur. Travaux. Informatiques, Option Systmes et. Rseaux. Encadreur acadmique. M. MBANG David. Ingnieur de. Rseauxet Tlcommunications. Encadreurs professionnels. M. EBODE EBODE Jean. Jol. Ingnieur polytechnicien. Anne acadmique 2. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de Travaux,9 Option 9. Systmes et Rseaux, IAICAMEROUN. Par GHARINGAM NDANE. Awawou Viviane 9 9. DEDICACEDEDICACEDdcac. A mes parents, Papa Mama NDANE NJOYA et Maman. Retrouvez toutes les discothque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soires en discothque Marseille. Alerts warn about vulnerabilities, incidents, and other security issues that pose a significant risk. Although stateful firewall technology is a powerful mechanism for controlling cyberthreats and preventing denials of service, controlling targeted exploitation. The trouble with being an incidental witness to the start of something that later becomes worldchanging is that at the time you are rarely aware of what. Madeleine NDANE Pour leur soutien indfectible. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de Travaux,Option Systmes et. Rseaux, IAICAMEROUN. Par GHARINGAM NDANE Awawou Viviane. REMERCIEMENTSREMERCIEMENTSCe travail naurait pas pu etre accompli sans laide. Pour cela, je rends grce au Seigneur tout puissant. Jadresse mes remerciements monsieur le Directeur. Gnral de la CAMTEL pour mavoir permis deffectuer mon stage au. CSTEY. Jadresse mes remerciements les plus chaleureux. Reprsentant Rsident, chef dtablissement. ARMAND CLAUDE ABANDA, pour sa disponibilit et pour tous les conseils. Quil trouve ici lexpression de mon profond respect et de. Jexprime ma reconnaissance mon encadreur. M. MBANG David, pour sa disponibilit, et son envie. Quil trouve ici lexpression de ma profonde gratitude A mes encadreurs professionnels messieurs EBODE EBODE Jean. Jol, MSAMBA Albertiniq et madame MANDOUMBI Anne, je dis un grand merci. Jaimerais adresser mes remerciements les plus affectueux. Me MVUH MOUNCHILI MARTHE, pour son amour. Tu es une mre pour moi Ma reconnaissance sadresse galement mes. Step by Step instructions on how to install Cacti on Raspberry Pi running Raspian Wheezy or any other Linux distro Be up and running in 30 minutesYENDE Aboubakar et MEFIRE MOUNCHILI Samuel, qui nont jamais. Quils trouvent ici. Je voudrai exprimer ma gratitude mes frres NJOYA. MOUNCHILI Pierre Degramot, NJIKAM POKAM Daniel, MOUNGNUTOU Emmanuel Edmond. MOUNVERA Herv William et NJOYA Eric Marcel, pour leur soutien. Une pense toute particulire mon ami. M. BOSSOGO OLOUMOU Olivier, pour sa disponibilit, son amour et la. OLOUMOU pour leur soutien. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de T7. 77. V7. 77. 77. 7V7. R7. IA7. 77. 77. 77. 7 7. V7 7 7 7. V7 7. 7 7. V7. 77. 77. 7REMERCIEMENTSMerci tout le corps enseignant de lIAI Cameroun Je ne saurais oublier lensemble du personnel du CSTEY avec. Enfin, tous ceux qui, de prs ou de loin, ont. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de. T7. V7s7. V7. R7. IA7. 77. 77. V7 7 7 7. V7. 7. 7 7. V7. 77. 77. 7GLOSSAIREGLOSSAIRECAMTEL Cameroon Telecommunications. CSTE Centre des Services Techniques aux. Entreprises. ISO International Standards Organization. SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. MIB Management Information Base, base de. SNMP. OSI Open System Interconnection. BACKUP Version anglaise du mot sauvegarde ou de. CGI Common Gateway Interface. D DOS Distributed Denial of Service attack. D NS Domain Name Service. NAT Network Address Translation. NRPE Nagios Remote Plugin Executor. NSCA Nagios Service Check Adaptor. MAIL Courrier lectronique. OID Object Identify. ROUTEUR Equipement informatique qui permet. SERVEUR Cest une machine qui offre. SWICTH Dispositif permettant de runir les. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de Travaux. Option Systmes et. Rseaux IAI CAMEROUNPar GHARINGAM NDANE Awawou Viviane. RESUMRESUMELinformatique est au coeur de lentreprise, quelle que soit. On peut facilement comparer la place que joue. En effet, il est au centre de. Certaines ramifications mme comme le. Les problmes lis linformatique. Francs de pertes. Deux taches sont donc importantes pour les directeurs. Mots cls Supervision, SNMP, MIB. Open Source. vi. ABSTRACTMmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de Travaux. Option Systmes et. Rseaux IAI CAMEROUNPar GHARINGAM NDANE Awawou Viviane. ABSTRACTAbstract. IT is the heart of the company, whatever its industry. We can. easily compare spot computer plays in a company at that plays the nervous. Indeed, it is the center of activity and must operate fully. Some branches even as the network and. Problems related to computers should be minimized, because the. Fairy Tail S2 190 there. Two phases are important for IT managers ensuring system. Quick and duration of minimal intervention that is the role of. Keys words Supervision SNMP MIB Open Source. Proprietary software. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de Travaux. Option Systmes et. Rseaux IAI CAMEROUNPar GHARINGAM NDANE Awawou Viviane. LISTE DES FIGURES TABLEAUX2. LISTE DES FIGURES ET TABLEAUXLte d gr e ds abex. Liste des figures. Figure 1 Organigramme du CSTEY Erreur Signet non. Figure 2 Architecture simplifie du parc du CSTEY. GNS3 1. 9Figure 3 Network Management System 1. Figure 4 Architecture de Nagios Source manuel officiel de. Nagios Erreur Signet non dfini. Figure 5 fonctionnement de Nagios Source manuel officiel de. Nagios Erreur Signet non dfini. Figure 6 Schma de fonctionnement de Nagvis le Blog de. Nico Largo, Installation de Nagvis 3. Figure 7 Architecture physique de simulation. Edraw Max Erreur Signet non. Figure 8 Ecran principale de Nagios 4. Figure 9 Supervision du serveur et de ses services 5. Figure 1. 0 1er cran de configuration de Centreon. Erreur Signet non dfini. Figure 1. 1 2e cran de configuration de Centreon. Erreur Signet non dfini. Figure 2. 4 fonctionnement du NRPE source manuel officiel de. Nagios 5. 9Figure 2. Fonctionnement de Ns. Client source manuel officiel. Nagios 5. 2Figure 2. NSClient 5. 3Figure 2. Configuration de NSClient 5. Figure 2. 8 vrification de NSClient 5. Figure 2. 9 fonctionnement de checksnmp source manuel officiel. Nagios 6. 3Figure 3. Squirrel. Mail Erreur. Signet non dfini. Figure 3. 1 boite de rception des notifications. Erreur Signet non dfini. Figure 3. 2 organigramme de la CAMTEL IIIFigure 3. CAMTEL Source Rapport de. FOUNSIE MBUM Salamatou IVFigure 3. Google Trends VIListe des tableaux. Tableau 1 Ressources du CSTEY 1. Tableau 2 comparaison des diffrents logiciels. Tableau 3 code derreur envoy par les plugins de Nagios. Tableau 4 architecture logique de test 3. Tableau 5 Configuration de NSClient 5. Mmoire de fin dtudes pour lobtention. Ingnieur de Travaux,9 Option 9. Systmes et Rseaux, IAICAMEROUN. Par. GHARINGAM7 NDANE7 Awawou Viviane. LISTE DES FIGURES TABLEAUXSOMMAIRESOMMAIREDdicace i. Rsume vi. Abstract vii. Liste des figures et des tableaux viii. Sommaire x. Introduction gnrale 1. Dossier dinsertion 8. Introduction 9. I. Prsentation de la structure daccueil 9. How To Install Downpipes 335I. Cration et Missions de la CAMTEL 9. Organisation de la CAMTEL 1. II. Dpartement daccueil 1. Prsentation du CSTEY 1. Fonctions du CSTEY 1. Organigramme du CSTEY 1. Ressources du CSTEY 1. Conclusion 1. 3Dossier technique 1. CHAPITRE I CONTEXTE PROBLEMATIQUE 9. Introduction 9. I. La supervision des rseaux 9. Le concept de de supervision des rseaux 9. La norme ISO 1. 03. Le protocole SNMP 1. La MIB Management Information Base 1. Dploiement des logiciels de supervision 1. II. Etude et critique de lexistant 1. Prsentation de lenvironnement de supervision du. CSTEY 1. 92. Prsentation de Cacti 1. III. Etat de lart et problmatique 2. Solutions possibles 2. Spcifications problme cahier des charges. Top 2. 5 Best Linux Performance Monitoring and Debugging Tools. Ive compiled 2. 5 performance monitoring and debugging tools that will be helpful when you are working on Linux environment. This list is not comprehensive or authoritative by any means. However this list has enough tools for you to play around and pick the one that is suitable your specific debugging and monitoring scenario. SARUsing sar utility you can do two things 1 Monitor system real time performance CPU, Memory, IO, etc 2 Collect performance data in the background on an on going basis and do analysis on the historical data to identify bottlenecks. Sar is part of the sysstat package. The following are some of the things you can do using sar utility. Collective CPU usage. Individual CPU statistics. Memory used and available. Swap space used and available. Overall IO activities of the system. Individual device IO activities. Context switch statistics. Run queue and load average data. Network statistics. Report sar data from a specific timeand lot more. The following sar command will display the system CPU statistics 3 times with 1 second interval. The following sar b command reports IO statistics. Linux 2. 6. 1. 8 1. PAE dev db 0. CPU. PM tps rtps wtps breads bwrtns. PM 3. 46. 0. 0 2. PM 1. 00. 0. 0 3. PM 2. 82. 8. 3 3. Average 2. 42. More SAR examples How to InstallConfigure Sar sysstat and 1. Useful Sar Command Examples. Tcpdumptcpdump is a network packet analyzer. Using tcpdump you can capture the packets and analyze it for any performance bottlenecks. The following tcpdump command example displays captured packets in ASCII. A i eth. EN1. 0MB Ethernet, capture size 9. IP valh. 4. lell. P 1. 45. 72. 39. 47. E. i. 9. V. P. h. E. U. g. G. 7KA. A. L. 1. 4 3. 4 5. IP valh. P 1. 16 2. 321. E. V. P. h. 7. X. Im. S. g. u Oamp. Ba. E. R. V. OWp. Using tcpdump you can capture packets based on several custom conditions. For example, capture packets that flow through a particular port, capture tcp communication between two specific hosts, capture packets that belongs to a specific protocol type, etc. More tcpdump examples 1. TCPDUMP Command Examples. Nagios. Nagios is an open source monitoring solution that can monitor pretty much anything in your IT infrastructure. For example, when a server goes down it can send a notification to your sysadmin team, when a database goes down it can page your DBA team, when the a web server goes down it can notify the appropriate team. You can also set warning and critical threshold level for various services to help you proactively address the issue. For example, it can notify sysadmin team when a disk partition becomes 8. Nagios also has a very good user interface from where you can monitor the health of your overall IT infrastructure. The following are some of the things you can monitor using Nagios Any hardware servers, switches, routers, etcLinux servers and Windows servers. Databases Oracle, My. SQL, Postgre. SQL, etcVarious services running on your OS sendmail, nis, nfs, ldap, etcWeb servers. Your custom applicationetc. More Nagios examples How to install and configure Nagios, monitor remote Windows machine, and monitor remote Linux server. Iostatiostat reports CPU, disk IO, and NFS statistics. The following are some of iostat command examples. Iostat without any argument displays information about the CPU usage, and IO statistics about all the partitions on the system as shown below. Linux 2. 6. 3. 2 1. Canon Scan Software For Windows 7'>Canon Scan Software For Windows 7. Device tps Blkreads Blkwrtns Blkread Blkwrtn. By default iostat displays IO data for all the disks available in the system. To view statistics for a specific device For example, devsda, use the option p as shown below. Linux 2. 6. 3. 2 1. Device tps Blkreads Blkwrtns Blkread Blkwrtn. Mpstatmpstat reports processors statistics. The following are some of mpstat command examples. Option A, displays all the information that can be displayed by the mpstat command as shown below. This is really equivalent to mpstat I ALL u P ALL command. A. Linux 2. 6. 3. CPU. 1. 0 2. 6 3. PM CPU usr nice sys iowait irq soft steal guest idle. PM all 0. 0. 0 0. PM 0 0. 0. 1 0. PM 1 0. PM 2 0. 0. 0 0. PM 3 0. PM CPU intrs. 1. PM all 3. PM 0 0. 0. 0. 1. PM 1 0. PM 2 0. 0. 4. 1. PM 3 0. PM CPU 0s 1s 8s 9s 1. NMIs LOCs SPUs PMIs PNDs RESs CALs TLBs TRMs THRs MCEs MCPs ERRs MISs. PM 0 0. 0. 0 0. PM 1 0. PM 2 0. 0. 0 0. PM 3 0. Option P ALL, displays all the individual CPUs or Cores along with its statistics as shown below. P ALL. Linux 2. 6. CPU. 1. 0 2. 8 0. PM CPU usr nice sys iowait irq soft steal guest idle. PM all 0. 0. 0 0. PM 0 0. 0. 1 0. PM 1 0. PM 2 0. 0. 0 0. PM 3 0. Vmstatvmstat reports virtual memory statistics. The following are some of vmstat command examples. To execute vmstat every 2 seconds for 1. After executing 1. You should install sysstat package to get iostat and vmstat working. More examples 2. Examples. PS Command. Process is a running instance of a program. Linux is a multitasking operating system, which means that more than one process can be active at once. Use ps command to find out what processes are running on your system. The following are few ps command examples. Use u option to display the process that belongs to a specific username. When you have multiple username, separate them using a comma. The example below displays all the process that are owned by user wwwrun, or postfix. UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD. Mar. 09 0. 0 0. Mar. Mar. 09 0. 0 0. Mar. Mar. 09 0. 0 0. Mar. Mar. 09 0. 0 0. Mar. The example below display the process Id and commands in a hierarchy. ASCII art of process tree. From this tree, we can identify which is the parent process and the child processes it forked in a recursive manner. More ps examples 7 Practical PS Command Examples for Process Monitoring. Free. Free command displays information about the physical RAM and swap memory of your system. In the example below, the total physical memory on this system is 1. GB. The values displayed below are in KB. Mem 1. 03. 46. 24 1. Swap 2. 03. 16. The following example will display the total memory on your system including RAM and Swap. In the following command option m displays the values in MBoption t displays the Total line, which is sum of physical and swap memory valuesoption o is to hide the bufferscache line from the above example. Mem 1. 01. 0 9. Swap 1. Total 2. 99. TOPTop command displays all the running process in the system ordered by certain columns. This displays the information real time. You can kill a process without exiting from top. Once youve located a process that needs to be killed, press k which will ask for the process id, and signal to send. If you have the privilege to kill that particular PID, it will get killed successfully. PID to kill 1. 30. Kill PID 1. 30. 9 with signal 1. PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU MEM TIME COMMAND. S 0 2. 1. 8 4. 5 3.