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Facilities Inspection Manual Food. This page is part of the Guidance Document Repository GDR. Looking for related documents Search for related documents in the Guidance Document Repository. To be issued at a later date. Establishment Registration Fish Export Licences. Subject 2 Reserved for Future Use. Quality Management Program. Subject 2 Systems Verification of Registered Establishments. Inspection of Non registered Facilities. Subject 1 Fisher Packers. Think more Creatively. Subject 2 Live Lobster Shippers. Subject 3 Live Fish Exporters. Subject 4 Fresh and Dressed Fish Shippers. Subject 5 Unregistered Fishing Vessels. Subject 6 Unloading, Handling, Holding and Transporting Fresh Fish. Compliance Guidelines. Subject 4 Compliance Guidelines for Live Aquaculture Finfish Exporters. Reserved for Future Use. Reserved for Future Use. Reserved for Future Use. Technical help for biomedical technicians specially in developing countries. A collection of service manuals, tutorials and. No. name 1 ae exhaust gas turbocharger 2 0aeexhaust gas turbocharger 3 electrical equipments for autotension winch 4 no. Main Ship Equipments Equipment Types Main Marine Manufacturers An EnglishChineseJapanese Dictionary of Technology ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW. Philosophy Metaphilosophy Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics Politics Aesthetics Thought Mental Cognition. Reserved for Future Use. Reserved for Future Use. Foreword. PDF 8 kbThere are many important factors involved in the production of a safe, wholesome and good quality product. Processing facilities must be designed, constructed and operated in such a way that acceptable quality, safety and wholesomeness of the product are maintained throughout the process. In order to assist in communicating the needs associated with the production of a safe wholesome product which conforms to all requirements of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the minimum requirements have been interpreted from the Fish Inspection Regulations and compiled in this manual. Working jointly with the fishing industry of Canada, to protect and enhance Canadas reputation as a supplier of safe and good quality fish products to world markets, this manual will assist companies in complying with the Fish Inspection Regulations. Bulletins. Bulletin 1. Free Super Sentai Series Downloads. Inspection and Certification of Fish Landed by Vessels of Canadian and Foreign Origin. No. 1. 92. 01. 01. PDF 3. 3 kbTo All Holders of the Facilities Inspection Manual. Subject Inspection and Certification of Fish Landed by Vessels of Canadian and Foreign Origin. Note This bulletin supersedes and replaces Bulletin nos. Please remove these Bulletins from your manual. This bulletin is intended to guide inspectors in the inspection, product certification and use of the Product of Canada designation for fish landed in Canada by Canadian and foreign vessels. General. 1. 1 All Canadian vessels used for fishing or for transporting fresh round or dressed unfrozen, frozen, salted or pickled fish intended for further processing at Canadian federally registered processing establishments andor for export shall meet the requirements of Schedule III of the Fish Inspection Regulations FIR. Fishing vessels shall be inspected in accordance with the frequencies prescribed in the local workplan to ascertain compliance with the FIR. In accordance with section 1. FIR, all shellfish and crustaceans, excluding live lobster and live crab, landed by fishers must be processed in Canadian federally registered processing establishments if destined for export. Federally registered establishments may include enclosed processing facilities onboard Canadian flagged freezer factory ships or shore based processing facilities. Landings of Live or Fresh Fish Meeting Requirements of Schedule III only. The following criteria apply to fresh round or dressed unfrozen fish, live shellfish and crustaceans, including landings of shucked scallops 2. Canadian Vessels. Landings by a Canadian fishing vessel are subject to inspection, may be exported directly, or may be destined for further processing in federally registered fish processing establishments in accordance with Section 1. FIR eligible for Product of Canada designation andeligible for product certification. Foreign Vessels. Foreign vessels importing, processing or otherwise handling live molluscan shellfish must comply with the provisions of the National Shellfish Shippers Program and must appear on the approved list of establishments contained in the Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List ICSSL. Landings by foreign vessels intended for further processing at registered fish processing establishments or for direct sale to consumers are to be considered imports. Fish inspectors shall deal with these imports in accordance with FIR import requirements and charge appropriate fees. To be eligible for certification and designation as Product of Canada, or Made in Canada from imported ingredients Made in Canada from domestic and imported ingredients, the lots of fish landed by foreign vessels must have undergone substantial transformation during processing in federally registered fish processing establishments. Compliance and certification of lots for export is to be in accordance with QMP procedures. Landings of Frozen Whole, Dressed or Headed and Gutted Fish or Salted or Pickled Fish. The following criteria apply to the harvesting of fish, other than shellfish or crustaceans, which is frozen at sea in a whole or dressed form, or is salted or pickled 3. Canadian Vesselsall landings requiring certification must be delivered to Canadian federally registered fish processing establishments, and all fish must be treated as Incoming Fish under the establishments QMP compliance and certification of these lots of fish is to be evaluated in accordance with QMP procedures andall fish is eligible for a Product of Canada designation. Foreign Vessels. Foreign vessel landings of sea frozen fish, salted fish or pickled fish shall be dealt in accordance with section 2. Bulletin. 4. Fish Including Cooked and Frozen Shrimp and Other Crustaceans or Shellfish Harvested and Processed by Canadian Registered Freezer Factory Vessels. Canadian Vessels. The following criteria apply to processing on board Canadian freezer factory vessels, including all freezer factory vessels which process raw material to final product form, without recourse to further processing in shore based establishments the vessel must be registered as per Section 1. FIR, have a QMP and pay applicable fees certification of lots will only be considered when the lots are made readily available to the inspector and where suitable inspection facilities exist owners and operators or captains of processing vessels shall permit CFIA to station designated fish inspectors onboard for such periods of time to adequately and properly conduct at sea inspections of factory processes and products, and shall provide suitable officer level food and accommodations, unrestricted radio room access, and when reasonable, facilitate mid sea transfers of Inspection personnel to inbound or outgoing vessels certification of lots is to be conducted in accordance with QMP procedures, or upon a lot by lot inspection performed by a fish inspector, and where the fish is found to meet the requirements of the FIR andall landings are eligible for a Product of Canada designation. Foreign Vessels. 4. Foreign vessel landings of fish including cooked, sea frozen shrimp and other crustaceans or shellfish shall be dealt with in accordance with section 2. Bulletin. 4. 2. 2 Notwithstanding section 4. CFIA may register foreign factory freezer vessels as Canadian fish processing establishments provided that they meet all requirements of section 4. Bulletin. Terence Mc. Rae. Director. Fish, Seafood and Production Division. Bulletin 2. 4 Changes to Compliance Verification Policy. No. 2. 41. 90. 40. PDF 4. 0 kbTo All Holders of the Facilities Inspection Manual.