Dds Software Taxi

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Acronimos Internacionales de Aviacin. LISTADO DE ACRNIMOS USADOS EN AVIACINA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZA3. D, 4. D    three or four dimensional. CODE    the octal base, four digit code used between framing pulses of a reply to identify an aircraft or for general use and emergency codes XPDA    amperesA    autotuned navaid. AAC    aeronautical administration communications. AAC    airline administrative communications. AAL    above aerodome level. AAMP    advanced architecture microprocessor. Dds Software Taxi' title='Dds Software Taxi' />Heres a comprehensive list of aviation acronyms and airport acronyms. We hope this helps you navigate the complex world of aviation jargon Please let us know if you. AE Architecture and Engineering AC Aircraft AG Air to Ground AH AltitudeHeight AAA Airport Airspace Analysis AAC Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center AADC. Watch TV on PC,laptop, tablet, or mobile device from anywhere in the world. Get over 12,000 TV channels directly to your PC or laptop. TaxiBook provides everything you need to manage a successful taxi operation. It integrates your calltaking, booking and dispatching, payment. AATT    advanced aviation transportation technology. AAS    advanced automation system FAAAB    autobrake. ABC    automatic brightness control. A BPSK    aviation binary phase shift keying. AC    advisory circular. AC    alternating current. AC    aircraft. ACAC    air cooled air cooler. ACARS    aircraft communications addressing and reporting system. ACAS    airborne collision avoidance system FAAACC    active clearance control. ACC    area control center. ACD    automatic conflict detection. ACE    actuator control electronics. ACE    advanced certification equipment. ACIPS    airfoil cowl ice protection system. ACF    area control facility. Download Curveball Game. ACK    acknowledgment. ACMF    airplane condition monitoring function. ACMP    alternating current motor pump. Samsung Galaxy S Anycall Usb Driver. ACMS    aircraft condition monitoring system. ACNSS    advanced communicationnavigation surveillance system. ACP    audio control panel. ACS    active control system. ACS    audio control system. ACT    active. ACTC    airport traffic control towers. ACTD    advanced concept technology demonstration. ACU    apron control unit. ACU    autopilot control unit. ACU    antenna control unit. AD    airworthiness directives FAAAD    analog to digital. ADA    a computer programming language. ADC    air data computer. ADF    automatic direction finding. ADI    attitude direction indicator. ADIRS    air data inertial reference system. ADIRU    air data inertial reference unit. ADL    aeronautical data link. ADLP    aircraft data link processor Mode SADLP    airborne data link protocol. ADM    air data module. ADMS    airline data management system. ADP    air driven pump. ADR    address. ADR    alternative dispute resolution. ADRAS    airplane data recovery and analysis system. ADS    automatic dependent surveillance. ADS    air data system. ADS A    automatic dependent surveillance addressed. ADSA    automatic dependent surveillance automation. ADS B    automatic dependent surveillance broadcast. ADSEL    address selective. ADSP    automatic dependent surveillance panel. ADSSG    ADS Study Group ICAOADSU    automatic dependent surveillance unit. AECU    audio electronic control unit. AED    ALGOL extended for design. AEEC    Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee ARINCAEP    ARINC engineering practices. AEP    audio entertainment player. AERA    automated en route air traffic control. AES    aircraft earth station InmarsatAESS    aircraft environment surveillance system. AF    airway facilities. AFC    Aeronautical Frequency Committee AEECAFC    automatic frequency compensation. AFC    automatic frequency control. AFCAS    automatic flight control augmentation system. AFCS    automatic flight control system. AFD    adaptive flight display. AFD    autopilot flight director. AFDC    autopilot flight director computer. AFDS    autopilot flight director system. AFDX    avionics full duplex Ethernet switch. AFEPS    ACARS front end processing system. AFGCS    automatic flight guidance and control system. AFI    authority format identifier. AFIS    airborne flight information system. AFIS    automatic flight information service. AFIS    automated flight inspection system. AFM    aircraft flight manual. AFN    air traffic services facilities notification. AFS    aeronautical fixed service ICAOAFS    automatic flight system. AFSK    audio frequency shift keying. AFSS    automated flight service stations. AFTN    aeronautical fixed telecommunications network. AFTRCC    Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council. AFU    artificial feel unit. AG    airground air to ground. AGACS    automatic AG communication system. AGAE    AG applications engineering. AGATE    Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments NASAAGC    automatic gain control. AGCOS    AG communication services. AGCU    auxiliary generator control unit. AGDL    AG data link. Zip To Apk Converter Free Download For Pc on this page. AGIS    AG intermediate system. AGL    above ground level. AGR    AG router. AGRM    airground router regional manager. AGS    AG system. AGSS    ACARS ground system standard AEECAGTS    AG test station. AGVS    AG voice subnetwork. AGW    ARTS gateway. AHC    attitude heading computer. AHRS    attitude heading reference system. AI    alternative interrogator. AI    artificial intelligence. AIC    aeronautical information circular. AIDC    air traffic services interfacility data communications. AIDS    aircraftairborne integrated data system. AIED    aeronautical industry engineering and development. AIEM    Airlines International Electronic Meeting AMCAIFSS    automated international flight service stations. AIL    aileron. AIMS    airport information management system. AINSC    aeronautical industry service communication. AIO    analog inputoutput. AIP    aeronautical information publication. AIP    analog input. AIP    Airport Improvement Program FAAAIRAC    aeronautical information regulation and control. AIRCOM    digital airground communications service SITAAIRMET    airmans meteorological information. AIRO    analog inputreference output. AIS    aeronautical information service. AIS    automatic information services EurocontrolAISG    Applications Interface Subgroup IATAAIV    accumulator isolation valve. AJPS    AFEPS journal processing system. AL    autoland. ALC    airline link control. ALC    asynchronous link control. ALC    automatic level control. ALPA    Air Line Pilots Association. ALPS    automatic line protection service. ALS    application layer structure. ALT    airborn link terminal. ALT    altitudealternate. ALD HOLD    altitude hold mode. ALTM    altimeter. ALTN    alternate. ALTS    altitude select. ALU    arithmetic and logic unit. AM    access module. AM    amplitude modulation. AMASS    airport movement area safety system. AMC    Avionics Maintenance Conference. AMCP    aeronautical mobile communications panel. AME    amplitude modulation equivalent. AMI    airline modifiable information. AMLCD    active matrix liquid crystal display. AMP    audio management panel. AMPL    amplifier. AMS    ARINC maintenance service. AMS    apron management service. AMS    avionics management service. AMS    acquisition management system. AMSRS    aeronautical mobile satellite route service. AMSS    aeronautical mobile satellite service. AMTOSS    aircraft maintenance task oriented support system. AMTS    aeronautical message transfer service. AMU    audio management unit. AMU    ACARSavionics management unit. AMUX    audio multiplexer. AN    alphanumeric. ANC    Air Navigation Commission ICAOANDC    airport and navigation data compiler. ANICS    Alaskan NAS Interfacility Communication. ANLP    ARINC network layer protocol. ANP    actual navigation performance. ANP    air navigation planperformance. ANS    air navigation system. ANS    ambient noise sensor. ANSI    American National Standards Institute. ANTC    advanced networking test center. AO    acronymic obfuscation. AOA    ACARS over AVLCAOA    angle of attack. AOC    airport obstruction chart. Careers Passenger Transportation Technology. At DDS, we are re envisioning passenger transportation technology in the 2. Were looking for talented people who are as passionate as we are about reshaping the future of the transportation industry.